Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Writing practice

Today I had to miss my visit to the library for good reasons and I didn't finish the Morning Pages that I normally write because Yours Truly, Sarah Ahema just wouldn't let me. It has been a relatively good day, though I have been a wee bit lazy and I am hoping to make up for it in the evening. I will still have to go up soon because I need to get some quality rest so that I don't feel so tired as I have for the past few days.

Writing-wise I haven't done too much either. Some days are better than others and it is wise to acknowledge so. Thank You, Father that at least I have been able to blog and was also able to send out some long emails in the morning. All good practice for this girl.
Baby steps daily to reach the intended goal.
Thank You, Father.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The goodness of the Lord

I didn't write anything yesterday and I can't remember why. I think it is because I got to the library quite late and was feeling a bit tired and sleepy so I was not with it. I must go to bed early tonight because I have been sitting up until very late.

I am in a very good place, Father and was so encouraged by the ministration of a friend and my mentor, really, yesterday. I have never had this before so it is so sweet, humbling and I am very grateful to have someone who is so interested in my life. Lord, You are so merciful and gracious and there is no end to Your goodness to those who seek You.

More and more I am finding that I must personalize Your Word and put me in the verses just like Papa Hagin said and I will experience You more intimately and closely, Lord. My desire is to be like Samuel who heard You even as a child, to be like David who understood how to worship You, to be like Moses who experienced Your glory so closely and to be like Joseph who listened and obeyed You and saved a nation. And I want to be able to say as Paul said that all else is rubbish compared to knowing Your Son, Jesus Christ,Amen.

A seeking heart,
A hearing heart,
Is my desire,
My Father God.
All else is nought,
But Your presence and power, Lord,
This is my prayer today, my Father God.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Greatest Book

I have been reading a lot of books on finances and goals and how to succeed and the interesting thing is that a lot of the principles I am reading about are straight from the Bible. The Bible is God's Word to us and the blueprint for our lives, both physical and spiritual. That is why you have instructions relating to food and then deep truths about our faith in there.
We are to consult it in every area of their lives and those who do that are those who have great success in all that they do, irrespective of where they live.

It is not easy to be a student of anything but it is the only way to get the most out of the Word, to seek truths in there and to meditate on the Word day and night and as with all things, the more practice you put in , the more the benefits you will reap.
I honestly believe that I must do this with all diligence and not be put off by other people's views since I have certain dreams and goals I would want to see achieved in my lifetime.

God is so good to us, so loving and so faithful to His Word; and those who dwell therein and seek Him will live in His perfect will and His best for them.
Thank You, Father for Your Word, Amen.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Short stories

One of the books I was reading last year on writing gave some simple advice about how to improve your writing. Just show up and write, the author advised. That is the surest way of learning the craft, he went on to advise and I completely agree with him. A few paragraphs later he was talking about the affliction of writer's block, which a lot of writers get for different reasons and again his advice was to write even if you were actually writing or typing " I have the block and have nothing to write". Somehow the initial sentence would sometimes help unblock your thoughts and set you off on your merry way.

Well, yours truly has had several instances of writers' block when I have attempted to write anything that is not in my comfort zone, especially in the genre of short story writing. Why, I am not too sure because it was much more straightforward when I was younger. I am still struggling in this area at the moment and several reasons come to mind why this is so.
There is the self-imposed pressure to write a beautiful short story and then also the fear that the story will not be flat so even though I have these brilliant stories in my head, there they remain until I command this fear out. With my new grit and determination I will get to the point of 100% confidence very soon, I feel or 60% for a start.

With God's Help, I will write my short stories one way or the other.

The Lord's grace and mercy

It has been one of those days; very good at certain times and frustrating at other times but that is life, isn't it? It is my response to the frustration that will determine how I end the night.

In all things, it is important to give thanks and to keep things in perspective because there are so many things that have gone very well today.

Thank You, Father for today and thank You for Your grace and Your patience with us all the time.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Learning zone

My car is off the road at the moment so it seems like I will be at home for a while until it is sorted out or I get a new one. And three more people apart from me are in agreement with me about getting a new one. I receive it in Jesus' Name.

I am doing a lot of reading around finances and acknowledge that I have a lot to learn in that area and I am prepared to put in the hard work. As the saying goes, if you are doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results you are unhappy with, you have to change your methods and that is definitely true in my case. I have to change the way I am doing things and learn from those who have gone on ahead.

It is the same diligence and much more that I have to show with getting more into the Bible and meditating in there. I must learn how to do that better and just let my spirit receive fully the revelation in the Word of God. The amazing thing with the Bible is that the knowledge gets better and deeper. This girl has a lot of work to do.

But it is good for me to learn now than to regret later.

It is well. Off to school I go.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thank God for small doses of wisdom

Wisdom sometimes comes in small doses. If I want to blog daily all I've got to do is book time on the PC in the library and I will do it;forcing myself to do it in a clever way.
Well, yesterday I had a good chat with a friend who was joking about wanting to be a model and I happened to mention Freddie Ljungberg (not sure about the spelling)? Guess what, he is mentioned in the very same context in the Daily Mail. What a coincidence!
I have done my Morning Pages for today but I am feeling quite tired because I went to bed so late so I am going to leave the library soon and hopefully stretch for a few minutes and tidy up the kitchen and cook for the boys.
I will have to do today's writing assignment at night today.Ah, well some days are always better than others but I am so grateful for getting 2 out of 3 so far.
God is good.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My growing attitude

Yesterday I had to post something twice because the first post just got zonked somehow and I was really pleased with myself for not getting angry or giving up and procrastinating. I believe I am really making progress and this thing about baby steps has been so very helpful and insightful to me. I must thank Barbara for that.

I have been able to do the Morning Pages today though I struggled a bit which was nothing unusual but I have to keep plodding on. The good thing about MP is that I am filling up my journal very quickly and that is really nice to see.

I also have finally figured out that I must break the collection of essays into bite-sized chunks so that I do not feel overwhelmed with the editing of them. A step at a time and a lesson for each stage.Hmmm. For the first time in a long while now I am actually grateful to be learning something new; especially to do with my attitude.

Father I am very grateful for that and especially grateful for your patience with me and with my slowness at times. Accelerated Learning Program, I call you in.

Thank You, Father for this gift of writing and for this opportunity to blog . Even if no one reads these, I know I will later on in my life and be thankful that I documented my thoughts at this stage of my life.

Thank You once again,Father.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Faith for Potatoes

That is the title of a book I borrowed from the library a few weeks ago and I was very blessed by it. I had gone into the library intending to get a book on writing greeting verses but saw this book and was drawn to it and borrowed it.

It was such a lovely testimony and really encouraged me very much about my dream for an organic farm powered by biogas in Ghana, in a lovely, rural location. It was the story by a Scottish farmer living in South Africa and how he had become a preacher for God.

I borrowed it when I had been feeling a bit flat, not low or discouraged but wanting a visible confirmation of the promises of God and He obliged me by prompting this visit to a library I seldom use. Is He not amazing?

Thank You, Father that you care very much about everything that I desire and that You are honing them to be what they should be to glorify Your Name.

Thank You.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

computing course

I started a new computing course yesterday and I believe it will go well if I focus. Just like with a lot of things. A bit of hard work and focus and a good attitude can take you far. These are things that can be taught but you do have to believe from the heart with hope that things will go well.
The Secret: the law of attraction and what you are constantly focusing on and thinking upon. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus therefore I succeed in all God-driven endeavours, Amen.
I am so computer literate.God is good.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Noise levels

Today has been tough because I was feeling so tired during the day and that always means being irritated with noise and the boys can be noisy.
Well, it hasn't been all negative. I convinced the boys to play Scrabble and we have learnt lots of new words today, two-lettered words that will come in handy. Something to do when the telly is off. One has to be so inventive with this sort of weather.
Hopefully they will go upstairs and it will be quiet soon and one can read.
Thank You, Father for noise levels.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sweet-smelling sacrifice

Today was a friend's birthday and it was lovely going to visit her and fellowship with her and her friends. God is amazing and really does order our steps. I hope that this friendship will continue to grow and become sweeter and sweeter in the love of God. I always am so challenged by my friend's faith and the fact that she is always looking out for others.

Lord, may be life glorify you in the same way so that I am always exalting Your Name and Your presence. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen.


Thursday, January 03, 2008

What is this life if full of care?

A good friend has lost her mother today and I am very sad about it because of how it happened. Very sad. What is this life if full of care, we have not time to stand and stare? In these days of rushing about and gadgets and amassing personal fortunes and the like, it is easy to become so obsessed with other things that family and friends are forgotten or put aside.

The amazing thing is that " things " can always be replaced but what about people? Can one replace a friend or a brother?
No, never because we are so so individual and unique and bring different flavours to other people's lives.
It is a sad day but Jesus is still Lord.