Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Suppose ...

Yesterday was one tiring day, but thankfully I managed to get to bed early. The latter weeks of pregnancy do tend to be more trying when you want to sleep for obvious reasons but I got some good hours of sleep.

I have done some writing today, even if is has been just to warm up and I have finished reading Kitchen Privileges, a memoir by Mary Higgins Clark; it is the third or fourth time I am reading it. It is simply but delightfully written and each time I read it, I am warmed anew and inspired to keep writing. Though she writes in a genre I have never attempted and think I cannot do, I do learn from her determination to succeed and her hard work she puts into her writing.

I think it is always important to learn from those who have gone ahead of us. It can save you plenty of time, energy and money.
She has a simple formula for getting to work and I think that is the best advice ever for any writer. Suppose and what if?
I have to write my supposes and my what ifs to make progress in this wonderful world of writing.

One step at a time and I will get there.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Writing event

I haven't been here in a while now and I haven't done any writing as well for a few days or I haven't focussed on it in a few days now but it is never far away from my thoughts. I have just had to attend to other more pressing things.

There is a writing event I am hoping to attend on the 9th of September and it will make up for a summer of not going anywhere exotic. I still live in hope though, because it is always rewarded if not exactly in the way we would like it to be. I am hoping to learn some more writing tips from the event and in the light of that, I have bought myself a few new pens. Nothing like an excuse to buy a new pen.

A step at a time, a pen at a time.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Give thanks

It seems like I am going to miss my walk for today as well, ( missed it yesterday through no fault of mine) and I am not a happy bunny. I find that a little stretching of the limbs helps in my current condition ( I am looking forward to getting my tummy back) and then also helps the grey cells to tick away better and the fresh air is a tonic to me as a fresh start to the day.
Anyway, what to do? I have been doing my best to give thanks in all circumstances as we are instructed to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, a habit that slipped away in the carelessness of confidence. It is not easy to revive an old habit but knowing what I do of how things used to be when I practised it, I am determined to recover it by all means.
So I thank God that I am not going to be able to walk today, but I have managed to send the Friday column out and hope that it does bless someone on the list.
Life is too short even at 120 to moan and berate others as a friend pointed out. Yes, indeed, it is; so let me live each day rejoicing in what I have and not regretting or moaning over what I don't have.
Give thanks, Nana, give thanks.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Confidences and confessions

Today has been a day of confidences and confessions; it has been good for my soul and it has been good to talk to friends .
The one thing I am truly very grateful for on a daily basis is for having the faith that I have in God. How else would I cope through the emotional happenings I go through each day and also with the frustrations that sometimes nip at me?

I have not done any writing today but I am ok with that. Sometimes a break is good for reflection and I think today has been one of those days when I have thought about some issues that need to be addressed. And thank God for having a praying friend.
That is also another gift I appreciate very much. And thank God that with each day comes growth.

I am looking forward to becoming very comfortable in my skin and in my writing just like Maya Angelou is. I will write more about her book on food that I recently consumed with greedy relish.

Confess your sins to one another that you might be healed.

Confidences and confessions

Today has been a day of confidences and confessions; it has been good for my soul and it has been good to talk to friends .
The one thing I am truly very grateful for on a daily basis is for having the faith that I have in God. How else would I cope through the emotional happenings I go through each day and also with the frustrations that sometimes nip at me?

I have not done any writing today but I am ok with that. Sometimes a break is good for reflection and I think today has been one of those days when I have thought about some issues that need to be addressed. And thank God for having a praying friend.
That is also another gift I appreciate very much. And thank God that with each day comes growth.

I am looking forward to becoming very comfortable in my skin and in my writing just like Maya Angelou is. I will write more about her book on food that I recently consumed with greedy relish.

Confess your sins to one another that you might be healed.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Another day

Thank you, Father for today. I didn't write the letter I was supposed to but I am not discouraged. I have been doing some essential reading in the mean time, which has been good. I am doing my best to remember that a step at a time is progress so that I do not frustrate myself when I fail to reach my targets.
This is the day the Lord has made: I will rejoice and be glad in it.


Friday, August 18, 2006

A poem yesterday

I did send out a poem yesterday; I haven't received a note of acknowledgement for it yet but I am hoping it will get published. I have to write a letter as well and hope to do that before the close of day.
On another note, I got such acknowledgment from my mentor yesterday and it felt so good. It is good to encourage other people; just a few words can make someone's day much better and brighter.
Hmmm, a step at a time, a word at a time, a letter at a time.
God is good.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Writing a letter

Yesterday was a day for laughs and I had a lot of things to laugh about; not so during the night when I had a an upset tummy. I feel much better this morning for which I am truly thankful. I have been very healthy during this pregnancy and it has been a blessing.
However there is a little discontent stemming from not having submitted anything for publication in such a long time. It is to do with productivity on another level. Some of the time I am spending on reading can surely be spent writing a letter and even if it doesn't get published the letter of rejection will show that I am writing! And will also show that I am growing.
Hmmmm. I think this is what is known as healthy discontentment; because it is linked to growth.
One letter, please.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Wisdom cometh

There is a writing project I have been employed to do that I was struggling with because it is completely new territory for me. ( It is to do with a book). I was struggling with how to put my thoughts down, how to write the whole book in one chunk and how to please my employee with my writing; so much so that I was getting slightly overwhelmed with the whole thing but yesterday wisdom came to me; something that I have read about in times past came to me- break the whole project into manageable parts.
Wisdom: break the project into small bits and deal with each section as a piece to get my thoughts into place and also to do some proper editing.The task feels suddenly lighter and more doable and I am very grateful for that. A step at a time.

Proverbs 4:7. Wisdom is the principal thing , therefore constantly ask for it in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Progress in Nana Yaa's world

I heard some very good news last week; I passed the exam I took in June and even got a credit! I can only thank the Lord for finishing the course and also for being able to finish all that needed doing. Now I have proved to myself that I can start things that I finish if I focus hard enough. I am so grateful for that.

Somehow I have also gained some new confidence with the writing and I believe very much that the drill and the discipline of doing the Friday column has had a lot to do with it. I am very thankful to God for that and for the faithful few who keep reading the column and sending me their comments.

All in all, very good news that I must keep in mind when I am stuck and feeling a bit low about the writing.
A step at a time is indeed proving to be true and before I know it, I will experience a big breakthrough.
Thank God for His goodness and for His ever-present love.

One step at a time, one day at a time.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

No fear here

Thank God for growth. I am becoming more assertive this year and I am glad about it. I know I have grown up a lot from my former days of being a pleaser; but in the area of assertion, I was still lacking a bit and it was one of the things my coach and I looked at this year and thank God I am learning. I do not cringe at other people's anger so much anymore, especially if I think it is not justified. I like to think that I am a reasonable person and I will do my best not to deliberately antagonise someone.

I am finding that it is helpful to stick to your convicitions when you do believe in them very much. A lot of times, you will be proved right and you will also gain new ground and new territory.

The Lord is the strength of my life; whom shall I fear? Apart from Him, no one else.
I am grateful for this new phase I am getting into.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

One step

Today is the day the Lord has made; I will be glad and rejoice in it.

Yesterday I went to bed vaguely dissatisfied and I think it was to do with being a bit disappointed not to receive a response to an email I sent. I wrote about the number of fewer emails I get these days a few weeks ago and I am used to the decrease in volume but still look forward to hearing from friends.

Today though, I am thinking about what I did yesterday and berating myself a little because I did manage to do quite a bit with the writing. I read some magazines and also did some writing. A little every day is good and I am not only waiting until inspiration strikes,which is even better.

Hope that contines a step at a time. I rejoice in each step.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Miracles untold

Last week was a busy one but one that blessed me with a miracle that I am savouring and it was writing-related. I will be able to talk about it sometime later.
I have an assignment on my hands at the moment and it is learning how to write for a particular genre that I haven't done on a large scale before so there is something to learn again, which is good for me. Every bit of writing helps me to develop as a writer and become more versatile in the process.
I hope to get back to blogging daily again though; it is another facet of the writing that allows me to breathe and be as natural as I can.

I am grateful for this gift, Amen.