Thursday, August 21, 2008

Give thanks in all things

The law of attraction really works. If you focus on positive things, they manifest in your life and even when things go wrong, you somehow find a way of seeing the positive amidst the challenges.
My mom has been complaining about her driver and lo and behold, he has done something silly this morning and the car has been impounded. And of course my mom is angry and is saying this dumbness is what she keeps talking about.
To me it is very simple. Fire him or teach him and be positive while doing so. If you keep patronizing people and letting them know that you think they are dumb, guess what, they act dumb.
Anyway, in all things I give thanks because this is God's will for me in Christ Jesus and I'm glad I know that fact.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Beautiful Ghana (2)

Still enjoying myself very much and I am at an Internet Cafe in our area, cheaper than the one I have been visiting, cooler and with faster machines. Who says cheap is always inferior? I am here with the boys and Ahema and each of them is playing on a PC so they have no cause to complain at all. I was expecting a note from a friend but it still hasn't arrived.

I am reading quite a lot and being contemplative and praying a lot too. Many things to pray about. Many are the plans in a woman's head indeed but I want the Lord to direct me as to which paths to take. Lots of opportunities in this homeland of ours and lots of educational institutions all over for people to study from.

I visited a bookshop today and though it was no Waterstones or Blackwells I was impressed at the books they had in there and bought a few books to read. I noticed that there were new Ghanaian authors and that thrilled me; my observation encourages me to keep dreaming and get something into print soon.

First of all to please my God and then to put to shame all who think I am not doing anything.
A day at a time, a step at a time. Father, order my steps and help me keep studying.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I am in a friend's office looking at a public transport station and enjoying the view very much. I am feeling so hungry I could faint. I'm going to find me some food and be happy.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beautiful Ghana

I am in beautiful Ghana and it is amazing to how things are moving rapidly in this place. New buildings, new initiatives, new ideas being implemented in every place and mind you, I haven't been to too many places yet.
The boys are also enjoying themselves very much and are at a sports clinic this week. They are learning how to play basketball, volleyball and tennis.
I have been reading, like I said I would, and doing my best to pray though that could always be better. I am enjoying myself to put it succintly. And the grey cells are working as well. A lot of my friends are quite busy so I haven't had the opportunity to see many of them but several of them have called which has been nice.

Well, since my main aim was to rest and take it easy, I can say I am scoring perfectly at the moment and even more.

What can I say about beautiful Ghana? It is really beautiful in my spirit as a friend said to me once. Thank you, Father for this opportunity to visit, Amen.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

Getting ready for Ghana

It has been a tiring day but very fruitful too; I have braided my hair once more and it looks good even if I say so myself. I am grateful for that because it means I have just a few more things to do before the departure day to Ghana on Thursday.
I am looking forward to the trip because I'm going to rest and recuperate from a hectic year to come back stronger and more focused and more directed in my daily life.
I have finally woken up from the slumber and seriously working on my discipline. A day at a time as I always say.
Thank You, Father that I am blessed and highly favoured.