Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Prayer works

I had to attend a meeting this evening; an impromptu one for me because I didn't know there was such a meeting. I was not amused about it at all but decided to pray about it and surprise, surprise, it went much better than I thought it would. Quite a bit of humour in there too and I actually managed to relax after a tiring day.

I should pray more than I am currently doing about all the details of my life. Father, I come to your throne repentant and determined to do better.

Thank You, Father in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Keep believing

Today I went to a friend's to pick up some books and came back feeling exhausted because of the heat. Not that I complain about the hot weather because I prefer it to the cold, but it kind of knocked me out. Emotionally I came back feeling a bit subdued as well because this good friend I look up to a lot is facing very challenging circumstances that would have felled someone else like me and I am praying with all my might that things will change for her and I believe they will.

Believe, believe, believe. What does it take to believe in something good happening and a breakthrough when things are looking bleak? Faith and prayer in my case with a good dose of self-talk, self-preaching and a change in mindset and a rehearsal of what one is hoping for.

I have to remind myself about The Law of Attraction, Nana.
Believe, believe and keep believing.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Learning the ropes

I am back again today to post something short which I will explore later. Staying at home to take care of one's children does give people the impression you are doing nothing because you do not go out to work for money.

Since January I have been ferrying the kids back and forth and I know very well how tiring that is, and how little time that leaves me with, to focus on the writing. I am not complaining at all and rather feel privileged to be in this position. However if I am to fulfil my writing dreams, no matter how humble they may be, I will have to let this annoying assumption slide off me and get myself writing during the pockets of time I get. I am still learning.


Thoughts at the moment

It has been a long time since I wrote over here. I have the longing but somehow I haven't made the time to. Life just seems so busy and I am really making an effort to get on top of the daily tasks and I have to keep believing that a way will be carved out soon.
I will be back to post something again today.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Making the most of what you have

Make the most of what you have; this is something I have been telling the boys over a few months now when they are moaning about what they don't have and it is advice I have to take myself. As the saying goes, the grass always looks greener on the other side and it is easy to overlook the abundance in one's own life.

A few years ago I used to write a list of things to be grateful for each morning and it was interesting to see the list grow as I started writing but as with all good habits I have started, I have dropped it for no apparent reason. Someone has a bigger car and you forget that your old jalopy has driven you thousands of miles faithfully without any mishap. It is raining the whole week and you forget the two weeks before were warm and sunny. In my case, I have lots of good books to read and yet I go out searching for something to read.

Very easy to lose sight of the blessings in one's life until you hear something that convicts you or prompts you to remember what you have.

Make the most of what you have and when you get more added to you, your attitude will continue to be that of gratitude.

Thank You, Father for all that I have, Amen.


Monday, July 07, 2008

On and on and on and ...

Wimbledon is over and I did not score a perfect score with the choices I made; I wanted Venus Williams and Roger Federer to win but alas Nadal put an end to Federer's reign. That didn't stop me from watching the highlights from the program though or prevent me from reading several reports on the match between the best two players in the world. It is so thrilling to read about the talents of these players and listen to the analysis of their shots and their way of play and how each handles the big points and I never get bored of the descriptions or discussions. ( I have to learn how to play tennis as soon as I am able to and my heart is excited even as I write this.)

When I listen to the tennis pundits and read the articles on the matches I can't help thinking about the attributes of God and His eternal love and power and majesty and might and grace and mercy and kindness and faithfulness and glory and lovingkindness and ... and ... and ... On and on and on it goes, all the adjectives I am yet to use and discover.

What is so eternal and everlasting and amazing like the omniscience of the Lord? My journey of discovery just goes on and on and on and on....

Eternal Father, I adore You and praise Your Holy Name, Amen.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Once again....

It has not been a very good week and it has not helped at all with the momentum that began. What to do but pick myself up again? It is not easy and it gets quite frustrating but what to do?

Just pick myself up each time and try, try, try again. Lord, in Your mercy, help me with a breakthrough and help me get a measure of consistency in the writing arena.

Thank You, Father.