Thursday, July 24, 2008

Keep believing

Today I went to a friend's to pick up some books and came back feeling exhausted because of the heat. Not that I complain about the hot weather because I prefer it to the cold, but it kind of knocked me out. Emotionally I came back feeling a bit subdued as well because this good friend I look up to a lot is facing very challenging circumstances that would have felled someone else like me and I am praying with all my might that things will change for her and I believe they will.

Believe, believe, believe. What does it take to believe in something good happening and a breakthrough when things are looking bleak? Faith and prayer in my case with a good dose of self-talk, self-preaching and a change in mindset and a rehearsal of what one is hoping for.

I have to remind myself about The Law of Attraction, Nana.
Believe, believe and keep believing.


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