Monday, October 30, 2006

Baby Sarah

Baby Sarah arrived on Wednesday, the 25th of October. And I have been quite amazed at how so many people are rejoicing with us. No one believes me when I say I was not trying for a girl but I am not complaining at all. We thank God for a safe delivery and the fact that both Sarah and I are doing fine.
She has been the biggest of the lot and looks so mature for a baby less than a week old.
Thank You, Father for Your blessing.
We have been blessed and highly favoured!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Waiting for you

I haven't been here in a while and I have no excuse for it; just been feeling lazy and wondering when the baby will arrive. I can't seem to get my thoughts off the birth, especially since I am quite big now; people ask me every day and that makes it drag a lot but I am being as patient as I can because there is nothing I can do!
It has been a boring day after church and I have had two naps; church was good and I enjoyed Sunday school very much even though the kids were quite active and noisy! We really need teachers and also a Youth Pastor, I think to give us some sort of direction. We are doing our best to teach the children and like Sheila said, maybe we are sowing seeds and I hope so and pray so too.
Baby, please come quickly; we are all waiting eagerly.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A bit of vanity

I never thought I was a vain person where my looks were concerned; my mother made sure of that and constantly reminded me of that fact each time she had to rebuke one of my prettier cousins by pointing out that my virtues were telling the truth and studying (reading would have been a more apt description but let’s not get into the details here) and that those were more important than having good looks so I never deceived myself in that department . Her view was further reinforced by the fact that I never had any boys panting or whistling after me except for those in the poor area I lived in, who I suppose didn’t have any other girl in secondary school like me to make fun of.

Well, how did I expose the vanity about my looks? When I got pregnant! I had no idea how very much I would crave the flat midsection back until my tummy ballooned and I couldn’t get any comfortable position to lie in to get a decent night’s sleep. Gosh, I would wake up with pains in my hips and still feel groggy and tired and I must say that even though I was excited about being a mother, I really did want my tummy back.

This feeling has happened with each one of the boys and even though I put on a lot of weight with the second and the third boys, I have always been relieved to be able to get back a midsection that does not have to be arranged at night and during the night so that I can get some sleep.

I tell you, this is really going to be the last. At least if I cannot have the face of Nefertiti, I can have a mid-section that undercover looks a bit like Denise Lewis’s (in my imaginations).

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Still ticking ...

I have been away for a while but for good reasons. Somehow it has been a flurry of activity on the domestic scene and I am eagerly waiting for the birth of this baby to regain some more mobility.
At the moment I have had a heavy meal this morning and I am already feeling sleepy so I am sure I will have to take a nap to get myself ticking again. And I am still especially proud of having posted over a 100 entries here even if most of it goes unread. Any sort of writing helps keep the juices flowing and brings inspiration.
I have something to write about today as well so I shall be working on that after the nap.
Thank You, Father for Your mercy and today, especially Your restoration unto grace.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Using my own article

I think I felt pretty euphoric after that 100th entry that I took a break yesterday from posting anything here. It was a good day yesterday because I wanted to do some trialling on a short story and I did. It might not be the best story ever to have been written but it is an area I am going to learn from since there seem to be so many markets for fiction.
In the meantime I am also making use of the little essay that has been rejected and using my own timetable to get myself on track with the writing. I am learning which areas I write easier than in others and also not rushing to be hard on myself when I fall on my face with the writing.
Sometimes some lessons are learnt in parts and it is another thing I am learning. There are many dimensions to small steps at a time but I still hold on to it.
Baby steps, small steps make a big difference in the long-term.
God is always good.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The fragments in my life

I had very vivid dreams last two nights; a result of being woken up several times by Son no. 4 and husband's tossing and turning. The first one was interrupted when the person I was dealing with ( in the dream) was on the cusp of talking about something we both treasure very much so I was quite irritated and frustrated to be woken up at that point; I repented and prayed and asked to fall back asleep so I could get some rest.
Then I dreamt again about other friends with an old friend from the past tossed into the mix; the dream did not make much sense but I was left with a sense of gathering up the fragments because I was going through my books and realised that I had bought enough books to start a small school of sorts, back in Ghana.
Now I wish I could say this thing about fragments was my original idea but no, it wasn’t and isn’t. I have always wondered what happened to the 12 baskets that Jesus asked his disciples to gather up after the feeding of the five thousand. I heard a minister preach about that and talk about wastage and said that though God was a lavish God, He was not wasteful, and then he went on to say that sometimes we have things in our hands or in our homes that don’t seem like much until we have gathered them together.
And that is what I saw in the dream. I have spent a lot of money on books and in the dream I saw that I had put them together to form a little library of sorts that would be accessed by other people and I had materials that people wanted.
I have been very encouraged by this dream. Sometimes when one is believing for something, it does seem to take a long time but God is so aware of our deepest needs and desires and gives us reassurances along the way. I have to keep believing and keep praying and keep calling the things in that I would like to see happen in my life. He alone is able to bring these things to pass.
Thank You, Father for your goodness,
You are amazing, You are beautiful beyond measure.