Saturday, July 31, 2010
It is interesting how we all go through different seasons of life and one can make assumptions for others around you, assuming that they are on the same plate with you. I can only do my best and trust in God to bring a turnaround in what I assume is simple to sort out. What to do, Lord but to apply the blessing of Abraham?
It is well indeed. Thank You, Lord for today, Amen.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
In His Hands...
I had a few ideas buzzing around today or rather extensions of a few ideas today that pleased me. Just have to keep meditating on Matthew 6:33, 34 for a while to fully appreciate the fact that my times and seasons are in the Hands of the Lord and that if I just do what I am supposed to do, that is seek His kingdom above all and first of all, all the other things will fall into place.
Into Your Hands, I place myself and my will, dear Lord, Amen and Amen.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Starting over again
It has been a good day for me, writing wise. Managed to do my morning pages but missed out on writing a column. Somehow that does not bother me too much because I knew I had to start some writing exercises and I did just that.
Hope to write the column tomorrow morning. We will see what the day brings. Hope to sleep well tonight.
Thank You, Lord for today, Amen.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Feeling good today
I am feeling much, much better in body and soul today and I am very grateful. Hope this is a new beginning once again for me and I will stick to my writing exercises. Rivers in the desert, indeed, Lord. I look forward to the complete banishment of the barrenness.
Thank You, Father God for today, Amen.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Rip van Winkle
I keep having these Rip van Winkle moments when I have to tell myself to wake up and smell the coffee. It is amazing how many areas in my life I have been so dormant in and in the midst of trying my best to be more disciplined and seek the Lord's face more and more, I am also telling myself to take back control of how I want to spend my time and energy. I do not want to wake up one day and ask myself where life went to.
Wake up and do something with yourself, sister.
Thank You, Lord for today, Amen.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thank You, Lord
It has been a rather trying day for me emotionally and I need to calm down before I go to bed. I must remember all the positive things that have happened and the prophecies that have come forth. O Lord, have mercy on me and grant me the grace to do what needs doing. Thank You, Lord for all that You do.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Dance to the music
We were invited to watch a program tonight, a Michael Jackson tribute and it was very good; very energetic and lively and it has inspired me to dance some more and lose some of the flab around the middle! I must write a new to-do list of the things I would like to try before I die.
One should not die with regrets as much as possible and one should live life to the full.
These youngsters have inspired me once again to live each day to the full and stop moaning. Dance as the Spirit leads you to, Nana in the ways that nurture your soul.
Thank You, Lord for this opportunity. Thank You, Lord for today, Amen.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The 500th post
Yes, by God's grace I made it to my 500th post and I am very grateful for this milestone.
I am feeling quite tired today because it has been a very physical day at school, helping to tidy up the classrooms. I got caught in between two teachers bickering and I was not happy about that at all since I do not want to take sides in what is such a personal affair.
I am looking forward to tomorrow since it is the last day of school. Still have to take one son to a party but hopefully our evening should be good.
Thank You, Lord for today and for all that You do constantly. Grant wisdom, O Father for all the things that need doing, Amen and amen!Thank You, Lord for today once again, Amen.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Missing home
Each time I go out in England, I feel really homesick and miss my friends back home very much; and that is because over here I have not been able to form very deep friendships which is not surprising but somehow robs me of part of my personality. So I go out and come back a bit nostalgic and sad and wishing more than ever that I could go back NOW!
This should encourage me to keep working at what I need to and do what needs doing. Lord, thank You for my job, the people I work with and also for the grace to make it through each day.
Lord, I thank You so much for all the good things You do for me daily.
Thank You, Lord, thank You, Jesus, Amen.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Another entry
The day started off quite well and then I felt a bit emotionally drained during mid-morning but things picked up after a while because I got so busy with work or rather making myself useful and the day whizzed by in school. After school, took the boys to their regular Bible study activity and it was good to chat to the other mothers and just chill out.
Best of all though, I managed to fit in some badminton with the boys and I am extremely glad because I still want very much to tone down to a lean, mean and fit woman. Well, just even fit and toned would do.
Thank You, Father for today and thank You for Your grace always, Amen.
Monday, July 19, 2010
I keep on saying thank you
Almost there, Nana. I am almost at my 500th entry and it is a milestone I am looking forward to for myself. I am being more gentle with myself these days and doing my best to pick myself up quickly each time I trip and fall. God is so merciful to me always and I want to do my best for Him in everything.
I have had a busy day today and it has been filled with the inevitable tidying up and all. All good. A day at a time and hope to make the most of the summer break.
Lord, I thank You for today and for all that You do for us always, Amen.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Leaving do
Yesterday we attended a sending-off party of some very good friends and even though it could have been a sad occasion, we all had great fun and watched some clips of our friends' sojourn in this part of the world and it was very cool.
I shall miss them very much but as they move on, so I am trying to move myself ahead and make the most of these five weeks off school very much. Come September I want to look at myself and be able to say, Well done, Nana. You have definitely moved onto another level in all things.
With God's Help, this is always and definitely a possibility.
Thank You, Father for the example of others, Amen.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Clarity cometh
I was very grateful yesterday to be able to write a piece that exceeded the number limit I have been able to produce so far for that particular column since I started writing it for two months now. It signifies a form of breakthrough for me. I have received clarity once again about which way to go with the writing. Not in ideas per se but in the way and mode of operation. I am so grateful for your patience with me, Father. I will keep persevering and keep writing. Surely, Your Word will come to pass if I faint not.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear my prayers, Amen.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Another day in my world
I had to do some gum work yesterday and also work on my teeth. How to describe the experience? Not excruciatingly painful but embarrassing and a reflection on the poor state of affairs in my mouth. And a large bill to settle as well. Went to bed feeling a bit sorry for myself and asked the Lord for forgiveness. Had a dream in which I was looking very good in a sort of jumpsuit outfit, not exactly slim but quite trim and cool. Don't know what that is about but I am feeling better this morning. Just have to regroup and do what needs doing once more.
That is the only way to go. Lord, I thank You for another day, Amen.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Step by step
It has been a very busy day, running up and down around the kids especially. Something happened that has really vindicated my decision to do my very best to be financially independent and knowledgeable. Not to pursue wealth with all my heart but to be aware and to learn as much as I can and to be astute and also get someone to help me if needed.
Things do not just happen and one has to make conscious decisions to focus and do what needs to be done. It is not by might or by power but by the Spirit of God that I can make a headway and gain inroads and insights into what I should be doing as a writer. I am doing the best that I can on one level while acknowledging that I could do better in the way of actually putting pen to paper or sitting behind a machine.
Thank You for Your mercy as always, Lord. Thank You, Father for today, Amen.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
I just noticed that I am almost at my 500th post and though the number falls far short of what my intentions were when I first started blogging, I feel quite chuffed about having made it this far. Thank You, Lord for Your grace and Your mercy that abounds all the time.
Yesterday we went to a Speech and Prize-giving award ceremony at which my son was collecting three prizes. I was a proud Mama indeed and was once again thankful that I had made the choice to stay at home to take care of the boys when they were younger. Many might have wondered why I made the decision to stay at home but I instinctively felt like it would make a difference and I believe it has. Now to replicate the same for the little lady as best as I can now that I have had to find employment.
One keeps dreaming of financial independence and thinking and praying about the ideas that I have had over the years. To be able to be my own boss and not have to step out unless I have to. With God all things are possible and I keep pressing on to my noble goals.
Thank You, Father for Your goodness and Your glory, Amen.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Treasure Island
Last night I went to watch a production of Treasure Island in my sons' school and it was very good. As always it reminded me of my own days in school and how much I loved acting. Alas, we did not go very far with our acting because it was not such an established career choice as it is over here in Britain. That is how it was and one did not make a fuss over what could have happened. Same with sports too. We did get a more rounded sort of education that can be quite useful and I am just happy to cheer my sons as they perform in these school productions. Where these performances will lead to, I have no idea but the good Lord does and I keep praying for each of them to fulfil his destiny, just like I do about myself.
Lord, thank You for the many gifts that You endow each of us with. Thank You, Jesus.