Friday, March 30, 2007

Being ready

I read a book called King Rat several years back and though I have forgotten the story, I remember that part of it was set in a prison camp and there was a particular guy who could get you anything you wanted at the right price. A bit like Red in The Shawshank Redemption. And he was appropriately known as the King Rat and almost revered among the prisoners for his connections and power in the camp. Like all kingdoms that are man-made, his reign came to an end when the war was over and the prisoners freed and King Rat was almost depressed about getting out. He was going out into a world where he would be king no more and as ordinary as anyone else on the streets. In captivity he had been king but in freedom he would be a commoner.

Letting go when you are used to being in control or authority is never easy; parents go through that in several stages when their child is no longer a baby, like the little lady who is completely dependent on me at this stage. Your child starts that journey to school and gradually through life, they find other people they want to hang out with and you are no longer the only person they listen to. It can happen during the change of government when one party ousts the other and a minister finds himself now having no voice, as it were, to sway millions to vote for him; he is now almost as common as anyone else on the street.

Jesus commended the shrewd steward who made friends with his master’s debtors for the time ahead when his master would kick him out of his job. I find that parable fascinating on different levels; not because I think Jesus was commending the dishonesty of the steward but there is an element of readiness, preparedness and anticipation all in the mix over there and much more. Jesus said this steward was shrewd because he had thought long-term instead of short-term.

A parent can put in the hours and time and love to make sure that even when the child is hearing other people, his will be the one that guides the child. There are several instances in the Bible where you can see this preparedness for the times ahead. Anna and Simeon waiting to see the Messiah. The ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom. Isaac sowing in the time of famine. The ant gathering food in summer. The church getting ready for the Second Coming of Christ.

A day at a time, diligently working towards what images you have or dreams in your heart.Every day is a gift to you to get ready for where you are headed towards,Nana.

The ball is in my court.



Saturday, March 24, 2007


It has been a challenging week but one of growth too for me, not in girth, I hasten to add but in spirit.
Though I love tennis very much, I also enjoy football and have to watch it by default sometimes, because of the 5 males in the household. And the team I support is Arsenal because of the way they play. They play fluid, graceful football like no other team and I especially love Thierry Henry. He has had tough times this season because of injuries but try telling the English press that. Many of the sports writers have more or less predicted his demise and for his own sake I hope he will be back to prove them wrong.

After one of his prolonged absences he scored a goal and celebrated by putting a finger on his lips as if to say "keep quiet" and I like to think he was talking to his critics.

Sometimes I feel as if I am going on and on about something I feel passionate about and then I end up antagonizing the listener or sounding like a broken record and my good intentions are misunderstood.

This week has been one where I should have been quiet, especially since I had decided to do that several weeks ago. Keep quiet and even more quiet, Nana and prove yourself by your deeds and output.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Proverbs 24:10

I recently noticed Proverbs 24:10 anew and I have been thinking about it ever since .
Troubles come, hard times come, adversity comes to all; it is your response to what comes knocking that will determine how strong you are.
In this month of challenges with health, I have sometimes wanted to throw my hands up in the air and this verse comes to mind so I press on with faith, willing to believe that God is faithful and a healing God too.
I want to be strong, I will to be strong.
Thank God for His abundant grace forevermore, Amen.


Friday, March 16, 2007

The ministration of women

I have pondered long over the verse in Titus 2: 3,4 that says older women should teach the younger women and prayed for an older woman to teach me. Today the 13th of March, this prayer became a reality. My best friend introduced me to her mentor and it was so good to share deep fellowship with a more mature person both in age and in knowledge. We prayed for an issue close to my heart and she spoke particular words to me that confirm what I have been hearing from God.

God is so amazing and He answers our prayers as we pray according to His will and His Word. It is important that I do not neglect the fellowship of the believers. Therefore I shall endeavour to keep close to these ladies who are seeking God so.
