Sunday, November 29, 2009
It is exactly ten days ago since I last visited my blog. And that has been because of other things taking my focus away from the writing. What to do but to get back on track and try to stay on the straight and narrow?
It has been a tough year, very challenging emotionally butI feel like I am coming out of a dark tunnel now and there is light ahead of me. The Light of God, the Light of the World, who is Jesus Christ. I have got to press in and on and renounce things that are not of Him.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear my prayer and help me to be strong and willing to do Your will at all times. For without You, I am nothing and can do nothing.
Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Jesus, Amen.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Plans gone awry but we still press on
I had great writing plans for this evening, but alas, none of them materialized. Not feeling bad about it though because at least I have relaxed a little and started reading a Maeve Binchy book of short stories. She really is a funny storyteller and the first story made me laugh so.
Tomorrow is another day.
Thank You, Father for today.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Need to rest
I have been feeling a little bit like a newborn kitten. Weak in body. Feeling a bit tired this evening and have to get into bed early enough so I can get some sleep. Hopefully the little lady will sleep through the night so that I can also sleep through the night.
A day at a time, Nana. Sometimes you have got to relax into the next level. It is well indeed.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Treating myself kindly
I had to be kind to myself today and gave myself a break; I came home and took a hot bath and rested instead of taking the boys for their French lesson. I was tired and I needed to unwind and chill out a bit. I am feeling much better for it. Life is to be lived and not to be struggled through.
What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare? I have been able to write a bit today, a result of the kindness to myself and it does feel good to be going to bed to tell myself that I have written my column, started an introduction to a project I have in mind and also written an entry over here. Nana, rejoice in your labours.
Thank You, Lord for today, Amen.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Keep the three Ps in mind, Nana
It has been a very challenging week emotionally and one I would not like to repeat at all. It has even affected my physiology and my body has been acting out of order. I have to keep pressing on and keep praying and keep praising, three Ps and watch the Lord turn things around for me.
And I must be blameless before the Lord to see things happen. Thank You, Lord for the move to Sikakrom, Amen.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The evening report
Today was good at school and discovered some resources and also bought some exercise books to kind of do my own assessment to see how things are going. I have the benefit of experience and must bring that to bear in my work. Lord, I pray for favour continually in the work I do and also for dramatic results as well.
And I ask for direction to do with the writing. Let Your will be done in my life in all ways and in all things. Let Your favour go before me and help me receive more and more downloads in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray with thanksgiving.
I will get back to the Friday column this week by Your grace alone. Thank You, Jesus for Your grace, Amen.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The finish line
I finally managed to finish some editing tonight and I should be feeling as light as a feather. Instead I am feeling sleepy, naturally (smile) but I was determined to finish tonight and I have achieved my goal. What else could you have done, Nana?
Thank You, Father for this finished work, Amen. Now for the downloads to start flowing down like a flood, Hallelujah!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
A rather short entry
My first week at school was quite interesting and it was fun meeting the different kids. I need the grace and wisdom of God to achieve results and the recognition that I am delivering the goods after all.
Off campus, I continue to seek and to search for answers and closure to certain affairs in my life. Not easy, not pleasant but seeking the courage and wisdom to do the right thing by all.
Thank You, Lord for Your grace, Amen.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Open door to Sikakrom
Lord, make a way out of this busyness over here, please. Had a good day but came back home feeling a bit worn down and out emotionally. Too many things to do with very little time and with the kids too. I do not want to sound ungrateful at all but it is nice to be able to go out without the kids much as one loves them very much.
Thank You for that open door to Sikakrom, Lord. Thank You for it in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
A busy day
It was very busy today at school and a bit of a shock at how quickly the time whizzed by. It has been another busy week and really the argument for a more relaxing lifestyle cannot be denied at all. What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?
I did enjoy the work; though I was doing the same thing over and over again and will assess what to do and what to change since I can see some of the kids responding to picture books more than the cards. Will have to try them out to see first. Lord, grant me the wisdom to see what needs to be done and help me excel at what I do and also support Anu as much as is possible. You are the Only One with the keys to unlock the secrets of learning to me.
Thank You, Father for Your glory, Amen.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
My new job
Today I started my new job and it was very good. Felt very much at home and also very stimulated and also felt like this is definitely a new phase in my life and one to be taken very seriously. This job is a stepping stone to my wealthy place and that is not just in terms of money but in terms of my development and destiny.
I do not take the teaching and writing gifts for granted at all and I am grateful that this opportunity has come up for me to use them to glorify the Lord. I can see how very innovative things are going to be for me and I pray that I will heed to the voice of the Holy Spirit in all things.
Lord, in Your Mercy, help me serve, Amen.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Beyond breakthroughs
It has been a good day though I am feeling quite tired now. Been doing some teaching and it really is rewarding to be able to teach and do what comes naturally to me. Thing is to develop it further and add wings to it by God's grace.
It is another level to learning a new thing; trying to think beyond the breakthrough. As Mark Hansen put it in his book, The One Minute Millionaire, thinking from the dream instead of of the dream. What do you do once you achieve the breakthrough? It is like being given a sum of money; is there a plan for it or does one just spending it without thinking of what needs to be done?
Not by might or by power but by the Spirit of the living God will all these dreams and desires be achieved.
Thank You, Lord for today.