Wednesday, February 28, 2007


We are indeed wired differently and each of us is so unique. I am finding out that I am definitely one who needs a lot of self-care in terms of doing things for myself so that I do not feel like I am giving all the time and not receiving. The thing about taking care of young people is that they just take and do not understand that adults get tired and also need a break sometimes.

I think women in particular tend to just keep giving and feel guilty when they take time out for themselves.

After being at home for almost eleven years and being dependent on my husband, I am at the point where I know that I have to do certain things for myself. Take care of my health and well-being so that I can continue to give. On that note I do not feel guilty any more if I need to take a break from the older children and husband to fill up my well.

Some can operate very well on autopilot; I find that I become quite moody and irritable when I have given and given and given without a break. I hope I will not get to the point of illness again to give myself a break or a treat.
Self-care is indeed important for this female.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

God's mercy

Am I on a roll here or is it the mercy of God, which I believe it is? This is the second day this week that I have been able to get to the PC to do some writing and I am truly grateful for that. Maame is asleep on Daddy and I hope she stays asleep for a while.
Today in particular, I am feeling a bit introspective, thinking about my life and my future. I have to remember to live by faith and not by sight and keep the Word of God uppermost on my mind. If I look around me I do not see much progress but God is always faithful to His Word and in His sight, small is always big, Amen.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

God's faithfulness

Blogging was supposed to get me writing daily and to show some accountability. It hasn’t failed to do so per se. I am the one who has fallen by the wayside and I am doing by best to get back into the saddle.
It has been tough battling with my general state of health and I keep saying that something big is going to happen this year. The last time I was so ill was over 18 years ago.
Father, I receive Your will for my life. Please help me live in this hard place with contentment and joy and faith and patience because You are a faithful God and Your Hand is upon me. And You always grant perfect healing by the stripes of Jesus, Hallelujah!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pressing On

I haven’t written in a while now and go to bed with guilt each night; it hasn’t been easy to make the time with an active girl child who sleeps very little these days and of course she is more important at the moment than anything else at the moment so it is to be expected that the writing takes a back seat for a while. I can tell that she is going to be a live wire and must get ready for that.

I have dreams that I want to come true and that will happen only with a bit of sacrifice. My health has also not been a 100% but I am on the mend now and I have concluded that if I can’t walk, I must do something at home to help get me moving. It is well; the good thing is that I feel very optimistic about the year 2007 and have to keep on believing and hoping that all the years of sowing are going to pay off. God is good to me all the time and for that reason alone, I keep pressing on.
