Wednesday, February 08, 2006

No rest for the learner

I am hoping to visit this spot twice today since I missed writing again last night but that was deliberate. I was tired and also thinking about my grand-uncle who passed away in Ghana. I also wanted to finish a book I borrowed from the library which has taken me weeks to finish because it was so huge. I consider any reading I do now as research so I try to finish a book even if I am struggling with it; to see what works and what doesn't. It is nice to have a hobby that requires such pleasant research.

Anyway, yesterday I went to school and we were handed out so many leaflets and things to look up and check out that all thoughts of having a break next week, which is half-term week, have taken a nosedive. I will have to do something every day if I don't want to be caught out, since paperwork is not exactly my forte. It has been an enjoyable three weeks of grammar but apparently our exams will expect us to remember great details of what the Simple Present Perfect tense is,for example.
Exams; have never liked them because they always catch me out. I have not been a good student in times past and I have been known to do only what is required to pass. Now that I am growing, I do realize that this is it. I will not be starting off as a baby again so I have resolved to better in all areas.

So come next week, I shall be on top on my blogging, I shall be revising my grammar, I shall be doing my writing assignment for class and hopefully I shall be feeding the family good nutritious fare in the midst of this studious environment.

There shall be no rest until this learner has done what needs to be done.


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