Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Not by my might or by my power

I was in school today; that is in the course I am doing as a learner support worker in our local Adult Education Centre and once again I was struck anew by the rapport and support of the women I am studying with. Everyone is so helpful and I feel a bit pampered sometimes, especially when they keep saying they can't imagine what it is like having four young sons. Well, it is a lot of physical labour, I can tell them but it has its rewards.
Yesterday I felt like I was back on track and even though I didn't write much, I could feel the juices kind of coming in. I came back very drained today though so I haven't been behind the computer and I just finished watching the English version of The Apprentice. Sometimes it seems as if the good guys lose, but they do win in the long run.
By Monday I will have something to contribute towards the anthology and my faith is in the restorative powers of God,not in my own might.
Not by power, not by might, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen


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