Saturday, June 14, 2008

A bit of an update

It has been a good week for me and one that I should use as a template really. I have been better organized in the household tasks and I have also done things for myself that nurture me. I am baffled as to why a lot of us start good things and then fall off the waggon so I am taking note of distractions in my life that rob me of making time for myself.

As I have filled up the well and done things to nurture me as an individual, I have been more patient with the kids, calmer when dealing with them and also feel much more content that I have been in a long while. Conditions that are always conducive to creativity.

And I believe I am going to step into a different season as a friend of mine is going to be fully commissioned to be a minister of the gospel. There are exciting times ahead, Nana.

God is so good to me, Amen.


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