Daily wisdom
A day of mixed things and one in which I did not get to write my Friday column because of technical problems. I did some shopping which was great; and this afternoon, the piano teacher of the boys suggested swapping their lessons from Friday to Wednesday, which would be very ideal for me.
This evening I am feeling a bit tired, weak and drained but I know I will be well by the morrow and intend to leave home early . Lord, grant wisdom and strength for the things that need doing; there are many of them.
Wisdom is key in all areas of my life and I ask for that daily and believe that I am becoming wiser as a person and learning who to talk to and who not to talk to.
God is so good and His mercies endure forever. He is the Rock and there is none like Him. I give thanks today for the wisdom that He gives me daily to conduct my affairs.
Thank You, Father in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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