Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Lord's blessing

Yesterday was one of those days; one of those you want to erase not because any disasters happened but rather because it was one filled with a sense of discontentment and children squabbling and a friend surprising you with her behaviour. I am glad to say that in the light of another day, today feels much better and in the grand scheme of things, yesterday is gone.
I managed to do some writing which was good, I finished a novel which was also good and above all, I had a good night's sleep.

Lamentations 3:22 ,23 say that the Lord's mercies are renewed towards us every morning and His love is always present, never-ending. What a great blessing to have Someone who is always there for me no matter what the day holds or how I feel.
This is the day He has made and so I will rejoice in it and be glad.


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